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ANBUG Award to Ross Piltz

Today, at the culmination of this year's AINSE-Australian Neutron Beam Users Group (ANBUG) Neutron Scattering Symposium, held between 24 and 25 November, was the award in neutron scattering to ANSTO's Ross Piltz.

The ANBUG Award in Neutron Science

The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding research in neutron science and leadership promoting the Australian neutron scattering community. Consideration is given to outstanding research accomplishments and contributions to the advancement of neutron science, including developing or supporting the Australian neutron scattering community, through teaching, research, technical leadership and scientific writings. Preference is given to applicants who are members of ANBUG and whose work was carried out primarily in Australia.

The award - consisting of a plaque and a small gift (e.g. relevant book) is  presented at

the AINSE-ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium (AANSS) or at a closely related meeting.

The selection committee is normally be comprised of three members, at least one of whom is an ANBUG executive member and at least two of whom are previous recipients of the award.

Timing: The ANBUG Neutron Award is expected to be awarded biennially at the AANSS or at a closely related meeting.